Monday, November 23, 2009

Thoughts I couldn't flesh out into full entries

Hey remember that time I use to write a blog about events in Boston? Yeah, me neither. I apologize, friends. These past ten days have been unbelievably hectic^max. It brought me back to a few years ago when I was an editor at the school paper and would regularly stay up until 5 a.m. and then have to be at work at in class by 9. I don't know how I did it, honestly. I had a few nights of staying up into the wee hours of the morning writing term papers - mainly analyzing First Amendment cases - and my body hated me for it. At least I had friends to commiserate with me (Oh hey, Eric!) But it's all over now! (well, for the most part) Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and after that, there's only a week and a half of classes left! Woohoo!

So here are few things I've meant to write about, but can't justify having an blog post of their own:

- I'm here to encourage you all to go out - tous les temps. Friday night was a disaster. My body crashed after my sleepless nights. I sat on the couch, unable to move, watching the Celtics. Saturday night though, I met a friend at Boston Beer Works, the one near Fenway Park. I HIGHLY recommend their Blueberry beer. DELIC.

- If you all haven't seen this video, you need to do so immediately. I guess anything is possible, KG.

-I watched Pirate Radio tonight. I really loved it.

Ty Burr of The Boston Globe reviewed the film and only gave it 2 ½ stars. I disagree. Will Philip Seymour Hoffman win an Oscar again? Probably not. Was it an enjoyable two hours? Absolutely. *I feel the need to say that movies with great soundtracks like this one make me realize I'm alive during the wrong generation. Womp womp.

-Now, I'm no fashionista, and this is definitely not a fashion blog but seriously Rihanna? Seriously? Come on, RiRi, let's make better decisions, now.

(AP Photo/Matt Sayles))

Ok, that should be all for my random rants. I should be back to my regualarly scheduled posts mañana.

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